The project, executed by the company's Kuala Lumpur (KL) based team, in water depths of approximately 1,400 meters, progressed on a fast-track schedule.
Santos’ Moomba Carbon Capture and Storage project in South Australia’s Cooper Basin started up in October 2024 and at year-end had already stored 340,000 tonnes of CO2-equivalent (CO2e).
The contract, awarded to SAMSUNG E&A, will construct a plant to produce 1.8 mtpa of methanol & will be among the world’s largest and most energy-efficient methanol facilities.
The new FPSO will have around 30% lower operational emissions compared with Brent Charlie and is expected to extend the life of this important field by up to 20 years.
Ricardo achieved 393kW of net power with its multi-stack hydrogen fuel cell module, utilizing virtual engineering tools to accelerate development and reduce prototyping costs.
Integrating robotics innovation with SLB's OptiSite facility and equipment performance solutions will enable oil and gas companies to optimize operations and maintenance activities.