Coterra and Halliburton recognize the importance of automation for consistency and control during fracture execution. The initial rollout of this service led to a 17% increase in stage efficiency.
Aeromon’s accredited measurements will also prove invaluable in enabling accurate evaluation of flare performance, providing operators with reliable data.
Technology scope supports Phase 1 of major LNG export project in North America, with a total overall permitted capacity of 27.6 million tonnes per annum.
Denso's Viscotaq Tank Base Corrosion Protection System provides a durable, moisture-resistant barrier for above-ground storage tanks, featuring a simple application process and minimizing environmental risks and maintenance costs.
The emissions reduction will allow the refinery to increase its current processing by 27,000 barrels per day, in compliance with the emissions limit set by the local environmental authority.
Kongsberg Maritime technology will be a key part of the new onboard systems for a major rebuild project in which Golar’s LNG tanker Fuji LNG, will be lengthened by nearly 100 metres and converted to a FLNG vessel.