Pepperl+Fuchs presents the intrinsically safe Smart-Ex® 03, a new and future-proof 5G- and Wi-Fi 6-enabled smartphone that was developed entirely in-house in Europe.
Hydrogen will be at the heart of the world’s energy transition away from natural gas. However, while there are many ways to produce and use hydrogen, there is a common denominator: all require monitoring for safety.
Teledyne Gas and Flame Detection is excited to introduce its online purchasing webstore, enhancing customer convenience by offering 24/7 access to their industrial portables’ portfolio.
Teledyne Gas and Flame Detection will not only use ADIPEC 2023 to demonstrate how its latest innovations successfully protect both people and capital assets in the oil and gas sector, but also to illustrate the company’s proactive decarbonisation drive in support of wider industry sustainability efforts.
Vanzetti Engineering recently attended the last Gastech in Singapore ( 5-8 September 2023) and is exhibiting at the forthcoming ADIPEC (Abu Dhabi, 2-5 October 2023), KORMARINE (Busan, 24-27 October 2023) and Marintec China (Shanghai, 5-8 December 2023).
Teledyne Gas & Flame Detection is releasing an enhanced version of the popular Gasurveyor 700 (GS700), known as the GS700-Hydrogen. This upgraded model incorporates the capability to detect hydrogen (H2), in addition to its existing ability to detect natural gas (NG).